Role: Business Developer Waste Management Technology
Department: Salesteam, Isotopesteam
Born 1962. Employed 1989
Shareholding: 2,101
Bio: Mikael Karlsson has spent over 30 years in the Nuclear Sector, fulfilling a variety of roles within waste management, test reactor operation, fuel and material PIE, OECD international projects and isotope production. Solving challenges in the nuclear industry making nuclear a part of our circular economy is a passion of Mikael’s. Waste management has historically often been overlooked, not only by nuclear, but by most industries, and this makes waste management truly interesting today and identifying solutions making the different stake holders happy makes my day a great day.
“Our customers are offered premium products to make them even more competitive”
Mikael has recently been appointed Business Area President for Studsvik Consultancy Services and with 30 years working for Studsvik, he has an impressive experience from the nuclear industry and isotope production. Until closure of the R2 test reactor in 2005 he was responsible for Studsvik’s isotope production and related customer relations. Ideas he had from this time are now being realized in Studsvik’s hot cell facility, where the maturity of today’s automation and robotics technology is key for success.
Studsvik being active on the isotope market again, this is your baby. Describe what triggered you to see opportunities in the market?
“It was really a combination. First the automated production, which is a key for us to enter. Secondly, Studsvik always aim not just to deliver what was asked but also to be able to offer a premium product so our customers can develop their offering. I had a vision how our team at Studsvik could develop a different procedure, offering better products with improved opportunities for our customers to be even more competitive!”
How can Studsvik apply its nuclear expertise to the isotope markets?
“There are a number of sealed sources where Studsvik has unique features to bring to market. We have the first base for doing this, a licensed site, heavy shielded cells suitable for highly active isotopes, a safety level (physical protection) which is according to the nuclear standard and we have a fully implemented waste route for all activities undertaken at our site for minimum environmental footprint. “
What is special about our offering?
Studsvik has a tradition to look at the customers’ needs, discuss internally, and see if we can propose something making it possible for them to have an improved or differentiated product. We can produce on demand, so the specifications can be tailored for each delivery if the customer requires. This is quite rare today. “
Can you share one great thing about today’s Studsvik?
“Studsvik is the only fully commercial Hot cell facility and our services are well known all over the world, this makes me proud. As individuals you have a lot of freedom as long as you act in the interest of Studsvik. The working atmosphere is great and without blocking hierarchies, we really work as teams here.”