Board of Directors

Jan Bardell

Chairman of the Board

Born 1957. Member since 2022, Chair since 2023.

Education: Uppsala University, Gävle University College and IFL (Institute for Business Management)

Other assignments: Chairman of the board of InfraNord AB. Member of SOS Barnbyar. Former president of various Vattenfall companies, president and CEO of One Nordic AB, president and CEO of Argynnis Group AB and president of Climeon AB.

Shareholding: 3571

Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: Yes

Anna Karinen

Board member and vice chairman

Born 1863. Member since 2003, Vice Chairman since 2007.

Education: Bachelor of laws

Other assignments: Self-employed, in commercial real estate management, member of the board of the Flen local branch of Handelsbanken.

Shareholding: 1,327,492

Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: No

Jan Barchan

Board member

Born 1946. Member since 2004.

Education: M.Sc. (Business and Economics)

Other assignments: President of Briban Invest AB, Chairman of the board of Nok9 and member of the board of Net Insight AB, Movebybike AB and Skolia AB.

Shareholding: 1,359,353 (Briban Invest AB and and endowment insurance)

Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: No

Agneta Nestenborg

Board member

Born 1961. Member since 2010.

Education: Ph.D. and MBA

Other assignments: Director Project Support & Administration, European Spallation Source ERIC. Board member in Öresundskraft AB.

Shareholding: 2,000

Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: Yes

Erik Strömqvist

Board member

Born 1970. Member since 2021.

Education: M.Sc. (Chemical Engineering)

Other assignments: Former General Manager Cyclotrons & TRACERcenter, GE Healthcare, Chairman of the board of MedTrace Pharma A/S, and member of the board of Atley Solutions AB and Celcibus AB

Shareholding: 2200

Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: Yes

Jitka Zakova

Board member. Employee representative

Born 1978. Member since 2020.

Education: Ph.D.

Other assignments: Employee representative appointed by the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers.Works at Studsvik Nuclear AB.

Shareholding: 1

Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: Yes

Per Ekberg

Board member. Employee representative

Born 1959. Member since 2018, alternate 2017-2006.

Education: Power generation technology

Other assignments: Employee representative appointed by Unionen. Works at Studsvik Nuclear AB.

Shareholding: 100

Independent from the company and management: Yes

Independent from major shareholders: Yes